Charo (RM 100)
Charo is a high yielding hybrid that works across all soil types. Product SheetPhoto Sheet
Charo is a consistently high-yielding product. This hybrid loves high-management farming, spoon-feeding nutrients, and fungicides, but also yields well without all that fuss. This is a fun option for pushing the limits of yield on your farm. If you see leaf disease, apply fungicide; it will pay to do so. The best place for Charo is on your most productive fields. Charo should not be the first hybrid you plant in the spring. Instead, plant when seeding conditions are ideal for top performance. Charo hasa medium plant height with good staygreen and has girthy, flex-type ears.
Pairs well with Madeline (RM 95), Scarlett (RM 103), and Carlene (RM 104).