Jolene (RM 113)

Jolene is a broadly-adapted hybrid that performs well across different environments and management programs. Excellent silage option!
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Jolene is a confident choice for irrigated soils and better managed dryland soils in NE, IA, and SD.  Very tall, healthy hybrid with big flex ears that can be used for grain or chopped for silage.  Ears are large (16-18 kernels around by 50+ kernels long) with deep, square, dark colored kernels and give the ability to flex populations from 22-28,000 ppa dryland and 28-34,000 ppa under irrigation.  Adapts to 20”, 30”, and 36” rows.  Works across all soil types but excels on loams and uncompacted clays.  Works on wheat, corn, and soybean ground.  Jolene is a top tier grain hybrid that also has excellent feed quality for silage.  Truly dual-purpose!

Pairs well Janet (RM 110) or Jessica (RM 110) under water and with Dutchess (RM 108) in the pivot corners.  Pair with Xandra (S105) in silage situations.

This is definitely going to be one of the corns I plant next year.

Jack A


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