Lola has an excellent history of ND success and is a proven performer. Bigger and more robust than the other hybrids under 80 days; best option for silage of these early products. Has excellent emergence and is well-suited to planting deep into cold, tough soils. Lola will develop a strong, deep root system making this an excellent option for organic acres in dry areas. Handles any soil type, crop rotation, or tillage system. Fungicide application not needed, but spray for top yields in high disease years. Lola flexes well but works best planted at the higher end of the normal population range for the area. Do not plant after May 31 due to some daylength sensitivity. Lola is a very average-looking hybrid that delivers exceptional dry, stable yields.
Good companions are Aliya (RM 77), Yolanda (RM 80), and Rosario (RM 81).