320-522-3461 [email protected]

Madeline (RM 95)

Madeline does especially well in a corn following corn rotation.
Product SheetPhoto Sheet

Madeline is broadly-adapted and can be planted almost anywhere.  Handles a range of planting populations: use higher pops on good soils, but drop pops on lighter soils to utilize flex.  Works well on heavy wet soils but not compacted clays.  Excels in corn on corn rotations; performs well following soybeans and planted into wheat stubble.  Strong plant health; foliar fungicide not needed except in high NCLB years.  Requires fertility: not for low management fields. TWT is average.  Not sensitive to planting date: can be planted late. Handles stress well, including drought, but yield will be pulled out of the stalks.  Plan to harvest early in a stress year.  Otherwise, standability is good, and this hybrid can be harvested last.  A bigger, robust plant type.

Good pairings are Tess (RM 92), Queen (RM 95), Kit (RM 99), and Charo (RM 100).

This Madeline is a well-drilling hybrid.
Russ P

Central Minnesota

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29307 US Hwy 212, Danube, MN 56230


  [email protected]

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