BASS Seed Treatment Options
We bring all our seed production into our warehouse untreated. We do our treating in-house at our facility in Danube, MN (bagging, too!). This allows us more quality control over the products that go out in a BASS bag. Our treating is done on an as-needed basis. As a result, we store most of our seed untreated, which is better for seed longevity and the environment. The following are our current seed treatment options.
We keep untreated seed of all our products until we need to treat our products to fill orders. After December, it is best to call the office to make sure we have untreated seed of a particular hybrid prior to sending in an order. These orders are bagged to order. Depending on order size, our seed may use the same bagging equipment as our treated seed, so please specify if shared equipment is unacceptable. If shared no treatment residue is allowed on your seed, we recommend bulk seed be ordered in minibulk bags instead of in hardboxes. We do not currently have a separate set of hardboxes kept specifically for untreated seed, so our boxes may contain some treatment residue.

BASS BioBlend
This is a biological seed treatment that is a blend of a non-living micronutrient package and a living microbe package (Biodyne Environoc Seed Treatment). We are also moving towards using more environmentally friendly colorants and polymers/seed coatings. We apply this mix to untreated seed, so after December, it is best to call the office to make sure we have seed of the desired hybrid available.
We can take these orders through February 2025.

Seed has a blend of fungicides, a low-rate insecticide, and SeedMaxx (a micronutrient blend) applied. The exact mix of fungicides and insecticides may vary. For 2025, the most common blend is a combination of thiamethoxam insecticide and metalaxyl-M, azoxystrobin, thiabendazole, and tebuconazole fungicides. This treatment does contain a neonicotinoid insecticide.
We can take orders on this seed treatment through May.

Seed has our BASS BioBlend and BIOST 100 Nematicide applied. BIOST is a non-living, broad spectrum biological nematicide seed treatment with activity on early season nematodes and soil dwelling insects in corn, including corn rootworm. This treatment is applied to untreated seed.
These orders must be placed by December 15, 2024.

Seed has our BASS FIN treatment and BIOST 100 Nematicide applied. BIOST is a broad spectrum, non-living biological nematicide seed treatment with activity on early season nematodes and soil dwelling insects in corn, including corn rootworm. This treatment does contain a neonicotinoid insecticide.
These orders must be placed by December 15, 2024.