320-522-3461 [email protected]

Thinking about switching to untreated seed? Or seed without a neonicotinoid insecticide? American Bird Conservancy is launching a pilot program where they will pay you up to $13/acre for corn acres enrolled in this program. You can find out more information on their website here and apply for the program here.

This is a great program to encourage use of seed treatments without neonics, but don’t think you’re going to lose yield by switching treatments. Keep your yield with BASS UNconventional hybrids! We breed our inbreds without seed treatments and test all of our new hybrids without seed treatments. Our multi-year seed treatment studies show BASS hybrids with untreated seed or biological treatments can perform similarly to chemical-based treatments (including neonics). BASS has 3 seed treatment options that will work for this program: untreated seed, BASS BioBlend, and BASS CRW Bio (more information below the flyer).


We keep untreated seed of all our products until we need to treat our products to fill orders. After December, it is best to call the office to make sure we have untreated seed of a particular hybrid prior to sending in an order. These orders are bagged to order.

BASS BioBlend

This is a biological seed treatment that is a blend of a non-living micronutrient package and a living microbe package (Biodyne Environoc Seed Treatment). We are also moving towards using more environmentally friendly colorants and polymers/seed coatings. We apply this mix to untreated seed, so after December, it is best to call the office to make sure we have seed of the desired hybrid available.

We can take these orders through February 2025. The cost of this treatment is $+9/unit.


Seed has our BASS BioBlend and BIOST 100 Nematicide applied. BIOST is a non-living, broad spectrum biological nematicide seed treatment with activity on early season nematodes and soil dwelling insects in corn, including corn rootworm. This treatment is applied to untreated seed.

These orders must be placed by December 15, 2024. The cost of this treatment is +$25/unit.