Biological Products

Biological Product List

We’re serious about working with Mother Nature to grow high-yielding crops.  We all know soil health plays a key role in crop production.  We brought these products on because of their ability to improve soil health, lower commercial inputs, and improve your profit per acre – naturally. Below are some of the biology-based products we offer.  We know we’re pretty corn-focused, but these products can be used on your other crops, too.  We encourage it!  Click on each product below for more information.  You can also check out our webinar here: BASS-Biodyne Webinar.

Environoc 401
Promotes the fundamental relationship between the soil and plant

MeltDown/Environoc 501
Recycles your nutrition and turns residue into a valuable resource for next year’s crop

Environoc 301
For our livestock producers, accelerates the biological degradation of animal waste

Environoc products and MeltDown were developed and produced by Biodyne USA.  They are another family-owned  and operated company and are focused on harnessing the power of naturally occurring, beneficial micro organisms for use in a variety of agricultural and environmental applications.

Contact Us:

29307 US Hwy 212, Danube, MN 56230


  [email protected]

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