Ruth (RM 110)
High risk, high rewards!
Ruth is best suited for high yield environments west of the Mississippi River. Performs best under irrigation or with enough rain for high yields. Likes lots of N – 280 lbs or more for top end yields to win yield contests. Does not like stress conditions. This hybrid needs pampering for best results. Ruth will hit the home run but can also strike out.
Pairs well with Janet (RM 110) and Olenna (RM 112).
- Medium statured plant
- Rapid dry down
- Excellent stalk and root strength
- Girthy ears with deep kernels
- Average test weight
- Good tolerance to Gray Leaf Spot and Goss’s Wilt
- Average on Tar Spot
- Will need to manage Northern Corn Leaf Blight with fungicide.
- Position in high yield environments!
- Population can be pushed if well-fed and does not get thristy
- Does fine in corn-on-corn rotation as long as potential diseases are managed
- Can be used for silage, but we prefer using for grain